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糟木匠 發表於 2012-12-13 07:26 AM
所以啊,不读书不看新闻不行啊。没事知识的穷孩子,手上拿着一块黄金还嫌重,给他一大片切糕他嫌硬。。。 ...
You can also peel from the blossom (non-stem) end like a monkey. Breaking the dry blossom end scar requires less force and mashes the banana less than bending apart the tough stem end. It also usually leads to less "banana strings" and you can use the stalk as a handle as you eat all the way to that end. Pinch just behind the blossom end scar to break it apart, then peel bits of it downward. A tiny part of the firm, unappetizing blossom end scar may remain on the fruit. You might want to discard it.
其实主要的差别就是好拿不好拿和对香蕉瑕疵敏感不敏感的感觉, 有的人喜欢有个拌好拿,就习惯地从无伴头开始剥起, 吃的时候不太注意细微的质量差别, 性格上比较粗放大气。有的人喜欢从有柄头开始剥起,吃的时候比较注意细微的品质上的差别, 性格上比较细腻仔细。
所以,在公司,你当老板, 在家你当老大!